A Dark Place

A Dark Place Oil and Acrilyc on Canvas 100cm x 120cm With a palette of extreme and blooming pains, Jacqueline Delaye paints worlds creating anxiety. His paintings are drawings of the unconscious.…

Capitalism. Marriage

Love is something transformable and fleeting in human´s psyche. We can observe in many cultures that love in a way of a marriage has different meanings,  In one hand the procreation and…

Capitalism. Mass Media

Mass Media Video 2018 2'13'' How often do we watch the news, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, do social media on the internet? Are we able to recognize how we…

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Der Duft der Demokratie

After the 2016 elections with the victory of Mr. Donald Trump, the concept of democracy in the United States takes on a new meaning. Here racism enters as a protagonist. How much…

Der Duft der Demokratie

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-YqjX803Ek Get it for just 499€ ! Yes I want my perfume!… “Das riecht nicht gut” Eine Ausstellung von 24 verschiedenen Düften, die uns erinnert, wie alle existenzielle Werte, eine eigenen Geruch…

Kids war

Video. 2016 Form the series of capitalims.

Trump in NY

The most miserable people are those who care only about themselves, understand only their own troubles and see only their own perspective Anonymous Acrylic  and Oil on Canvas 40 x 60 cm …