
This is just an idea

In the trunk of prayer memories, I came across this video made for a clandestine campaign I led here in Berlin 2014. A hundred of these placards stuck everywhere in the Friedrichshain…

Behind the scenes UNICORN

video: This is what happens when I work with stop motion and the camera timer set to 10 seconds. If the idea comes and the visual components are present, I don’t hesitate…

I drink wine

Lady Kunst makes the question, how often do we repeat what we do? are we aware of our acts? Wich roll plays time and repetition of our acts in our lives?

Magic Afternoon

This is a documentary film I made in the City of Hamburg, Germany. Great actors come together in order to give form a nice theater play Magic Afternoon from Wolfgang Bauer under…

Capitalism. Marriage

Love is something transformable and fleeting in human´s psyche. We can observe in many cultures that love in a way of a marriage has different meanings,  In one hand the procreation and…

Capitalism. Mass Media

Mass Media Video 2018 2'13'' How often do we watch the news, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, do social media on the internet? Are we able to recognize how we…

Sex as consumption

Jacqueline Delaye: LADY KUNST Jacqueline Delaye shows us in this work, a very simple act like eating a sausage. But what does the viewer really see? The background music emphasizes capitalist life…

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Der Duft der Demokratie

After the 2016 elections with the victory of Mr. Donald Trump, the concept of democracy in the United States takes on a new meaning. Here racism enters as a protagonist. How much…

Ich bin nicht tot

Ich bin nicht tot, Je ne suis pas morte, I am not dead, No estoy muerta. Who are the 43? They are 43 students that disappeared in Mexico the 26th Sept. 2014…