
The kingdom of nature cast a spell on this animal. The lost unicorn. Digital photo on Hahnemühle fine art paper.   PREV NEXT Home — Fotos — Unicornio Unicornio€2,200.00 The unicorn represents the hope that every human being carries inside. A mystical animal representing both death and virginity, the mystical companion to spirituality, the best…

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artist CLOSEUP Magazin

  24. FEB Interview in Online Magazin  ArtistCloseup What is your background and how did you start your journey in the art world? “I started in the art world when I was 19 years old. I had already taken photography courses and I was amazed by the visual and social part of the city where…

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Frauen Putzen

Frauen Putzen Foto on canvas, mix technique. 100 cm x 75 cm 2016 life is relative It gives you something and it takes SOMETHING back. Freedom can become a QUESTION of PERCEPTION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUI2u2WdGYU

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I am not Mexican but Bamberger

“I was on the search of my self. I was frustrated, alone without speaking german in a little city where my aritistic capacities were seen as “not german”. I kept days and days in my little appartment in downtown painting my frustration trying to re-find my self in a extrange culture. I went to my…

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2017-2018 Online Magazin

lady Kunst was invited every month in the publications of the german Culture  Magazine http://culturmag.de/  An Online Magazin about culture, music, literature and art. http://culturmag.de/tag/lady-kunst http://culturmag.de/litmag/jacqueline-delaye-lady-kunst/102256

Magic Afternoon
This is a documentary film I made in the City of Hamburg, Germany. Great actors come together in order to give form a nice theater play Magic Afternoon from Wolfgang Bauer under…
Les Ponts de Paris

Video in collaboration with the artist Lucioano Spanó, presented at the House of Culture in Paris. 5 min 2016 Casa de la Cultura París, France

Kunst stinkt ( art stinks)

“Ist das Müll oder kann das weg”? Is that art or can I throw it away? A phrase that criticizes the sense of contemporary art today. This work represents much of the…

I am not Mexican but Bamberger

“I was on the search of my self. I was frustrated, alone without speaking german in a little city where my aritistic capacities were seen as “not german”. I kept days and…

La muerte gegen Batman

This work represents the problem between two neighboring cultures. In Mexico, the image of Death is venerated, thus being a mental influence for the state of conscience of Mexican culture, while in…

Behind the scenes UNICORN

video: This is what happens when I work with stop motion and the camera timer set to 10 seconds. If the idea comes and the visual components are present, I don’t hesitate…