Homo homini lupus

“Homo homini Lupus” “Man is wolf to man” A variation of the proverb appeared as line 495 in the play Asinaria by Plautus: “Lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit.   Oil on Canvas 60 x 100 cm 2003  

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Don Quijote

“Don Quijote went crazy” Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 cm. The blue side is melancholy, depth and sadness. The pink side, the joy, the awakening and the madness. The donkey behind, is Don Sancho’s donkey, where did dear Don Sancho go? Why did you leave Don Quixote alone? Where is Don Quixote’s horse?

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Lady KunstArt is revolutionLady Kunst’s work is a mixture of apathy, courage and desperation. For Lady Kunst, life is a theater in which we are all protagonists. Lady Kunst’s work focuses on…

Don Quijote

“Don Quijote went crazy” Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 cm. The blue side is melancholy, depth and sadness. The pink side, the joy, the awakening and the madness. The donkey behind,…

Homo homini lupus

“Homo homini Lupus” “Man is wolf to man” A variation of the proverb appeared as line 495 in the play Asinaria by Plautus: “Lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit…