Tag: Protest

This is just an idea

In the trunk of prayer memories, I came across this video made for a clandestine campaign I led here in Berlin 2014. A hundred of these placards stuck everywhere in the Friedrichshain…

Capitalism. Marriage

Love is something transformable and fleeting in human´s psyche. We can observe in many cultures that love in a way of a marriage has different meanings,  In one hand the procreation and…

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Der Duft der Demokratie

After the 2016 elections with the victory of Mr. Donald Trump, the concept of democracy in the United States takes on a new meaning. Here racism enters as a protagonist. How much…

260914 Los 43

260914 Los 43 Mix technique on Canvas 100cm x 135cm / 2016 in 26.09.2014 a lot of mothers lost their children. Children who just were students. Students? They were killed, they were…

Capitalism. Drogen
